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What is a run-on sentence?

A run-on sentence contains two or more independent clauses (sentences) that are not joined properly. The most common mistake is the comma splice.

  1. Examples
  2. While we were on our way to work, someone in a pickup truck nearly ran into us, I was really upset and couldn't sleep that night.
  3. Over the past year, Ebola has killed over 5000 people it could have been much worse.
  4. Grammar Girl says that commas can be used in a variety of ways one such way is as a non-restrictive appositive.

Method #1: Period and a Capital Letter

  1. Determine where the first sentence ends and the next sentence begins.
  2. While we were on our way to work, someone in a pickup truck nearly ran into us. I was really upset and couldn't sleep that night.
  3. Over the past year, Ebola has killed over 5000 people. It could have been much worse.
  4. Grammar Girl says that commas can be used in a variety of ways. One such way is as a non-restrictive appositive.

Method #2:Comma and FANBOYS Conjunction

  1. FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
  2. While we were on our way to work, someone in a pickup truck nearly ran into us, and I was really upset and couldn't sleep that night.
  3. Over the past year, Ebola has killed over 5000 people, but it could have been much worse.
  4. Grammar Girl says that commas can be used in a variety of ways, for one such way is as a non-restrictive appositive.

Method #3: Semicolon ;

  1. While we were on our way to work, someone in a pickup truck nearly ran into us; I was really upset and couldn't sleep that night.
  2. Over the past year, Ebola has killed over 5000 people; it could have been much worse.
  3. Grammar Girl says that commas can be used in a variety of ways; one such way is as a non-restrictive appositive.

Method #4: Semicolon and a Joining Word

  1. Joining words: however, of course, on the other hand, as a result, in addition, besides, in fact, then, meanwhile, finally, instead, therefore, for example, thus
  2. While we were on our way to work, someone in a pickup truck nearly ran into us; therefore, I was really upset and couldn't sleep that night.
  3. Over the past year, Ebola has killed over 5000 people; however, it could have been much worse.
  4. Grammar Girl says that commas can be used in a variety of ways; of course, one such way is as a non-restrictive appositive.

Method #5: Dependent Word

  1. Dependent word (subordinate conjunction) + Independent clause (sentence) = Dependent clause
  2. While I was on my way to work today...
  3. Dependent words: although, because, that, whenever, as, before, though, where, as if, if, unless, wherever, as long as, once, until, which, as soon as, since, whatever, while, as though, so that, when, who
  4. Sentence Pattern: Dependent clause, independent clause. Independent clause dependent clause.

Method #5: Dependent Word

  1. While we were on our way to work, Because someone in a pickup truck nearly ran into us, I was really upset and couldn't sleep that night.
  2. Over the past year, Ebola has killed over 5000 people although it could have been much worse.
  3. Grammar Girl says that commas can be used in a variety of ways while one such way is as a non-restrictive appositive.
  4. Since Ebola kills its victims very quickly, it has had a difficult time spreading beyond its origin.
  5. As soon as someone ill gets on a plane, they are likely to infect those around them.


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